Hi! This is my first EVER blog post and so far, I have gotten confused, emailed Faith about what to do, re-did like 50 drawings, took a nap, and started getting mad at my laptop for not letting me put up pics.(Message to Faith:I still need help posting those six pictures you scanned!)As Faith/Ginny/Harry Potter Freak/Umbridge in training has probably already told you , we are going to try to post everyday, and we will put up pictures that we either drew, or we what just like. All I can do is put up this picture of Pinkles, my dream pet piggie in the corner over there.
I will do requests for pictures, and I will try to draw them as best as I could.
It has been wonderful to write to you guys, and I cant wait for more blogposts and comments.
(Ps Isnt Pinkles ADORABLE?)