Well, I am SOOO sorry I didn`t post. I had a lot of problems with Faith and I`s blog not loading up on my laptop, so I was scared that I couldn`t post anything.(Turns out that i can STILL post on this laptop,I just can`t see the entire blog itself)I am sorry that Faith and I keep on forgetting or messing up our goal to post every week, but I can gurantee that we (or I ) will post every month from now on!
If you want more bad news, well, Faith hasn`t scanned any drawings since the beginning of winter (oopsies!) But, I do have pictures in this laptop that I can still show you!
And, one more thing:
(Did the thing above have random stuff?If so, then the webding font works, but if it doesn`t I am just babbling about something you probably won`t understand.Did THAT make sense? Probably not.You know what? I will just end this post before you think I am crazy).